Come midweek many of us are starting to feel weary from chasing the little ones around as well as doing all our regular stuff.
Big dramas or small grievances may have popped up. Your child’s behaviour, your handling of a situation, a conflict with your co-parent, the teacher or little ones’ playdate. Perhaps this has made you feel upset, guilty, unsure, exhausted, frustrated or resentful.
Maybe you wish for some special time for yourself but surpass your own needs by the pressure your endless list imposes.
The permission for a time out from the busyness of doing and expending energy on others. A moment to be and gather your whole self. This is the stuff of dreams.
Striking balance through the incessant demands upon us can feel out of reach. Layer this with the challenges of raising children today, plus any illhealth or off track behaviourfrom our young ones, and no wonder we sometimes feel it’s all just too much.
The Gaia Gang meets weekly to give you fresh insight and ways into the heart of your little one. You will be served up a bowl brimming with seasonal nutritious and nourishing goodness.
Each week you will receive practical tools, building upon your mothering instinct, and that by integrating at home, you will find more connection, cooperation, harmony and health as a result.
For this Friday’s Gaia Gang we will be looking at how we can hold limits with our children that work in the first instance without draining our energy and meeting opposition, rebellion or passivity.
We will use the understanding of counterwill; which is the instinctive reaction to resist when feeling controlled, to find several ways you’ll need to know to win respect and cooperation.
Once you have this sussed, parenting gets a whole lot easier!
The Gang is for mothers and carers. If you have a baby or preschooler with you, you are welcome to bring them. To uphold the special energy for fellow gang members, there are a limited number of mini gangster spaces available.
Ps. Mark your calendar for the next Gaia Retreat which is Saturday 29thJune and promises a packed getaway for the day with nourishing food and positive parenting activation.